Where to Land
Airport (S21)
The airport is located in a wide and beautiful valley with open approaches at each end. Elevation is 4164' MSL so pay attention to density altitude on those warm days. The airport has a simple/small terminal and fuel. It is located adjacent to the expansive Sunriver resort. They will pick you up in a free shuttle and bring you to registration with a simple phone call.
you are flying to Sunriver from the south, you will pass some exciting views.
The first is in Northern California as you pass to the west of the volcano Mt.
Shasta. At 14,179' MSL, you will not miss it, but Oakland and/or Seattle
Center will still ask you everytime.
clearing Mt. Shasta you will make a slight right turn to North and after awhile
you will pass another spectacular site off your left wing, Crater Lake.
The color of the water will blow you away. Try to fly on a sunny clear
day. It is a site you will remember.
After Crater Lake you will turn slightly East to get back into the valley and fly right up to Sunriver on a long straight-in final.