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The Founders of VMG North Central

Mitchell Gossman – I am a practicing physician, an ophthalmologist, and have been flying since 1992. Shortly before then a physician pilot friend talked me into flying in a Piper Warrior from Rochester, MN to Flying Cloud Airport near Minneapolis and I was hooked. Since them I have completed Instrument and Commercial training. What I like most about flying are the view, the challenges, and the fact that getting there is 75% the fun and when there it is the other 75% of the fun making a total of 150%. I have flown a variety of Cessnas and Pipers… What I like about my Mooney M20J (1982 vintage) is that I am glad to have the performance to either fly real fast and turn the airplane into a time machine or throttle back and fly low, slow, and cheap. What next? Fly farther and higher! I live in St. Cloud, Minnesota (about 50 minutes northwest of Minneapolis by car), airport KSTC. I can be reached directly at 

Chuck Taylor -- I own an M20R 2008’ with TKS. I started in a C182 and am a new pilot who has now flown 300+ hours in last 2.5 years. I participated in transition training in Texas at FTI with Trey’s Co. I passed the IFR written and have begun flight training with a Mooney knowledgeable instructor. She is terrific, almost all of our time has been actual IMC including a little ice, very little. She promises that I will experience it all with her first. I would like to use plane for travel for pleasure and in furtherance of work. I feel the instrument ticket is key for that. I am now planning a trip to Bahamas this winter with my son(soph Indiana Univ). He is the reason I scratched my lifelong itch to fly. When he was a Senior in High School he wanted to learn to fly so we began training together. My parents spend winters in Naples FL and I’ve flown down several times to visit. I do want to learn to fly in the mountains (VFR conditions). I love CO around Glenwood Springs/Snowmass. I live in Washington, Indiana in the southwest corner, home base KDCY. I can be reached at 

Bill Jaconetti -- I was born and raised in the Chicago area, lived all over the country for nearly 12 yrs and am happy to be back living in the area. I have BS and MS degrees in aeronautical engineering and have been working for The Boeing Company since 1996 as an aerospace engineer specializing in aircraft flight test. For 10 years I owned a Beechcraft musketeer and in 2008 made a huge step up to the Mooney M20E. I currently hold commercial single & multi-engine land, CFII, advanced ground instructor and instrument ground instructor ratings. I hangar N800DP at the Gary/Chicago airport in Northwestern Indiana (KGYY). I may be reached via 

Gary Sprunger -- Gary E Sprunger, 1961 M20B owner, and flying off and on since 1962. I was in the sub service in the 50's as a Missileman and after seminary served as an Interim in OH, PA, NJ, CO, and MI.  Now semi-retired from the ministry and fully retired from TV News.  Formerly a weatherman in Cleveland and New York, and then News Anchor in PA, OK, CO and AK. Son David, is pre-Med in Denver, and wife Pat is a retired teacher/librarian/real estate agent. We have been married 6 years and flown over the Rockies twice, and to Florida in winters. We are based in MI at KBEH.
I may be reached via 

Randy Schwartz --  I dreamed of learning to fly since high school but had never taken the initiative to start. While watching the Super Bowl in 1991, a Harley Davidson ad wherein an elderly man reminiscing on his rather storied life, came to the conclusion that if he had it to do over again he wouldn't change a thing… except he "woulda gotten a Harley."  I thought isn't that just me: I'll be in a retirement home one day and regret that I never made time to learn to fly. The first entry in my log book was the following week. My flight instructor was a died-in-the-wool Mooniac. While I was working on my ticket he negotiated the lease back of a 1969 F model for his FBO. As soon as I had my license, he had me working on a complex sign-off in the Executive and the hook was set. Within three months of obtaining my sign-off I bought a 1967 F model. The arrival of our first child precipitated the sale of the Mooney and  I joined a flying club that flies a Piper Warrior. I flew that for several years until, on a $100 hamburger run one summer's day, I stumbled on a '68 F that was the virtual twin to the airplane I regretted selling all those years before. After a thorough pre-purchase by Brian and the gang at Wilmar Air Service, I was back in the left seat of a vintage Mooney. I live in Fargo, ND and have been in the real estate industry since 1982. My other hobbies include sailing, scuba diving and snow skiing.  I may be reached via

Updated January 13, 2010