The Vintage Mooney Group
was established in August 2003
to promote the fellowship, camaraderie, and a venue for spectacular fly-ins
in the Western USA. We enjoy the opportunity to share our
Mooney specific knowledge, our experiences, our safety tips, and our pride
of Mooney ownership with each other.
As an added bonus, we appreciate the prospect to develop new
friendships. To become a member simply show up at one of our fly-ins.
How Much is your
Mooney Worth?
Updated September, 2012
Want to Host a Fly-In
Here and send us your proposal. Be sure to include Airport, Date,
Parking, Lunch, and any other fun stuff.
VMG Exchange
Andrew Czernak's
Mooney Events
Cool Flightseeing
The San Francisco Bay
Tour by Michael Coyle
Lake Powell Flight Tour
by Cliff Biggs
Coyle's Flicker Website
Donn & Barbara
Larson's website
Dave Morris' website
Upcoming Fly-Ins
Check Back Soon
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about our Page, AZ Fly-In